21 October 2010

if you find yourself falling apart.

from the day it starting getting cold.

the day was mine.

so i think this is my favorite store in san fran. so far.

there were always golden rocks to throw.

don't forget about my lady.

we drink to die, we drink tonight.

really? i moved to a city that only has two cemeteries and a columbarium.

so i stick around.

when i'm with you i have fun.

to travel away from each other.

you knew just what i was there for.

without a dream in my heart.

maybe you would have been something i'd be good at.

18 October 2010

just the essence of daily life captured through ten lenses.

10 photographers. 10 photos each. All taken on 10/10/10. A single day represented in 100 photographs.

he called me babe.

my friend paula just sent this. she said it reminded her of me. i don't know exactly why. but i do know it's super sweet. watch the way the little eskimo boy pulls the stars out of the sky.

moon signs and wine.

meet me in san francisco.

17 October 2010

you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded.

The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that
never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm
on some idle Tuesday.