17 February 2011

please let me keep this memory.

whoa. that's what's in there!?

and it was our time.

and then cecile asked me if its better to do the right things for the wrong reasons or the wrong things for the right reasons. and i didn't really know how to answer. but i think the right reasons are more important than the right things.

and i can't go on with out yah, babe.

not having the internet has made posting on my blog pretty intermittent. also, having about 1001000 things going on has made posting on my blog pretty backburner-ed.

(i found this print here.)

you are not the sun.

well don't be that note i can't hold.

13 February 2011

how many people do you say that to?

"Somewhere in his body—perhaps in the marrow of his bones—he would continue to feel her absence." - Haruki Murakami