29 September 2010

i get weak in the knees.

from now on you are the dreamreader. you no longer have a name.

i've been thinking of starting a dark room in my closet. i have a friend that said he'd help out. it was just an idea swimming around in my mind. but yesterday, i got a package in the mail. it was from a slightly unknown sender. i had got an intriguing warning about the possible delivery of said package. but still, it was unexpected. it was a heavy box. and there was a card in it that said: "stephan jacobs asked me to pass this along to you... he let me borrow it years ago when i was making a book. he said you deserve it. happy printing." inside the box, inside the case, is an old enlarger. that has now been passed down to me. photography is everywhere, lately. there is something beautiful. and i am a part of it. the world is listening to my intentions so i have open ears and am listening back. thank you.

the snow white dilemma.


deep rivers run quiet.

getting inspired by all things photography. and all people photography. because it is everywhere lately. i am floating in it.

is this a post office for dead letters?

little jots about life made by ashley.

swim until you can't see land.

angie's holga. lots of new found love in these few photos. really happy.

27 September 2010

living is so dear.

"i went to the woods because i wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if i could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when i came to die, discover that i had not lived. i did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did i wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary." - thoreau

lately i've been thinking about how everyone's "woods" are a certain place. and a different place. and how some of us know our woods and some of us don't. but maybe we all do. because the biggest part of life, the part that teaches you the biggest lesson... that's your "woods," isn't it?

the world will always welcome lovers as time goes by.

you're the one that i've kept closest.

look where we went today. =)

26 September 2010