28 October 2010

loved you like a starfish.

molly moved, by the way. my house is 1/4 empty.

down to my bones.

i'm drinking tea from a lovely little tea cup that i made in a matching lovely little teapot because eric's uncle gave me the most perfect little tea set. i'll post a photo of it when i get my next roll developed. !

and it still doesn't feel like fall. but at least there's tea to be drunk and crunchy leaves to be stepped on.

hoplessly hopeful.

so this morning the world woke me up at 4:53 am. much to early to get out of bed. i looked out my window and i saw the moon still. but also the clouds just barely turning pink from the sun that was about to rise. it was pretty stunning. and when i fell back asleep, i think i dreamed about it all.

26 October 2010

25 October 2010

promise what you will.

everyone keeps talking about east coast apple picking.

where will you go?

a few new photos here.

i've a picture of you on our favorite day by the seaside.

this song always gets me. and then gets stuck in my head. always.

yesterday was rainy, rainy, rainy. and so we baked. and turned on the heat. and made our house cozy. and read good sentences from our books to each other. and listened to music like this.

24 October 2010